smile for me. (:

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Thursday, November 17, 2005
When He had spit on the man's eyes and put His hands on him, Jesus asked, "Do you see anything?"

He looked up and said, "I see people; they look like trees walking around."

Once more, Jesus put His hands on the man's eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.

posted by ehkl. 1:32 PM
He rescued me because He delighted in me.

posted by ehkl. 1:28 PM
Friday, October 28, 2005
Remember Evangeline, you aren’t stupid; if you were stupid, I must be super retarded.

posted by ehkl. 5:26 AM
Thursday, October 27, 2005

happy twentieth birthday jordane wan chan. *pupu*

posted by ehkl. 2:28 AM
Friday, October 14, 2005
It's so strange reading and studying about Jersalem, Israel and knowing that my father, denny c. liu and company are there--the place where David sang, where Peter cried, where Jesus walked.

a;sdlkj. i miss you dadther. ._. hurry and come back.

p.s. don't forget to bless me on Mount Zion and say hi to the rock that Jesus sat on.

posted by ehkl. 5:23 PM
(beware of the leeks a. choi. she thinks she's all that because she's attending the GODBLOG convention. and she threatened to seek you out, blog! gah. @_@)

p.s. hi leeks.

posted by ehkl. 5:12 PM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
my teacher gave me a dollar today because i'm the best scooper. (:

heh. i feel RICH.

posted by ehkl. 5:21 PM
Friday, July 08, 2005
it's five o'four am in the morning, blog. and i can't convince myself to go bedding. the insomnia monster is not exactly attacking me again. but it's just that..i have lost the will to sleep. even with momther and dadther reprimanding me and marching down the stairs every eight minutes to check up on me and ordering me to bed i just sit there and grow numb to the bed calls.

i'm so tired of meticulously planning out my schedule and working hard to finish everything that needs to be done to strive for adequate amount of sleep--which is to no avail since i have frequent sleeping revolutions. i don't care if i am being murderous towards my precious liver that only rests from 11pm-2am. i don't care if i am harming my health. i don't care if i am defying romans 12:1. eek. i think i've become a dot that doesn't care.

hi. i am a dot. and i am angry that i need sleep.

did you know that ever since i was five years old, i despised sleep with a passion?! as a baby, i made my mother suffer because i didn't sleep much and i kept her up night and day. as a child, i used to let my imagination run loose on the walls with crayons during naptime and my horrified mother would come running and spank me and tell me that walls did not equal paper. at night, i would be forced to go to bed and when my parents would switch on the lights to check if we're sound asleep, i would have to pretend to sleep and shut my eyes very tightly. but they're smart parents so they always knew i was wide awake..and i would get scolded. (but sometimes they were nice and read me another bedtime story and let me eat a midnight snack.)

my sleeping patterns after that were not very consistent nor respectable. one thing i know: i'm not very talented at sleeping. before long from junior high to high school, the insomnia monster started visiting me. and he wasn't very nice.

but i've scared him away now. hopefully always.

okay. i think my sleeping revolutionary walls are wearing down. i think i am tired now. darn. i lose again.

alskdj. my parents tell me that God made night so we could rest and sleep. and He wants us to take care of our bodies. i'm sorry, God for not respecting Your temple. gah. that must mean i must go bedding instantaneously if that's a word. (bytheway, trog is a word.)

i need to keep my new years resolution of bedding by eleven thirty-two pm. hah. me and sleep will be the best of friends. i shall spend some quality time with him this summer. i am very determined. encourage me, shanks.

p.s. if i were a bug, i'd either be a) a junebug, b) a lovebug or c) a treebug. those bugs are rad.

posted by ehkl. 5:16 AM
i was literally next to a jellyfish today. three inches man.

i am such a coward so after hollering warnings at jwulet and vane, i dashed away but i got entangled by the seaweed gathering. gah. they're as scary as red-eyed black octopus arms. shudder.

but i did ride the waves today. i felt like a SURFER DUDE. oh, blog. it was wonderful and thrilling. a glorious sight and a beautiful feeling. God is indeed an awesome rad tad CREATOR.

the ocean embraced me today. i felt loved. splendid and alive. grand piercing memories unfolded in my mind's eye and my heart sang. i choked on the salt water too. how ungraceful of me.

we climbed rocks and i felt like tarzan. van was scared so she stayed on a boring rock. i was feeling heroic but those feelings were demolished when she rejected my offer as her hero. -_-

another time those feelings were crushed was when we saw a little blonde boy running around bewilderedly and crying. so we ran after him to see if he was lost but he wasn't. i'm not lost, he tearfully informed us. i'm just alksdjkajd. and he trails off. his friends gathered around him and he gave them angry looks. i think he was mad at them. gah. so much for being heroes.

well, the ocean was blue and brown and green today. i couldn't decide which. the sky was blue for sure. and the sand was a mixture of white and brown.

i saw a ship sailing. it was a magnificient sight to behold. a glimmer of hope. it reminded me to climb out of my slimy pit of despair. to dare to hope.

today was a beautiful day.

posted by ehkl. 2:53 AM
The Lemon Headd (1:09:40 AM): DUDE
The Lemon Headd (1:09:42 AM): DO U REALIZE
The Lemon Headd (1:09:48 AM): I AM A 6'3 WHITE GUY

e is for evange (1:41:13 AM): fyi, i'm a girl not a woman.
The Lemon Headd (1:41:33 AM): THEN IMMA BOY?
The Lemon Headd (1:41:34 AM): HA!
The Lemon Headd (1:41:36 AM): I LAUGH AT THAT
The Lemon Headd (1:41:40 AM): HA!
The Lemon Headd (1:41:44 AM): OK THAT WAS CORNY -_-

The Lemon Headd (2:01:00 AM): HMM ILL TELL U A CORNY PICK UP LINE
The Lemon Headd (2:01:05 AM): DID U FART?
The Lemon Headd (2:01:08 AM): CUZ U BLEW ME AWAY

hah. no prize for you, jaeson. i've heard that one plenty times before...

a picture that jaeson drew for me out of his kind sweet heart. actually, just out of boredom. -_-

jaeson l. willis = corny boy.

posted by ehkl. 2:23 AM
an excerpt from A Gentle Thunder by Max Lucado, my beautiful favorite author when i was a kid.

This is a story about a man named Bob.

Bob loved to make people happy.
Bob lived to make people happy.

Bob lived in a land where everyone wore coats. Bob never asked Why? He only asked Which? "Which coat should I wear?"

Bob's mother loved blue. So to please her he wore a blue coat. And since he never left his house and saw no one but his mother, he was happy, for she was happy. Bob grew up and got a job. The first day of his first job, he got up early and put on his best blue coat and walked down the street. The crowds on the street, however, didn't like blue. They liked green. Everyone on the street wore green. When the people saw his blue coat and said "yuck," Bob felt guilty that he had caused a "yuck" to come out of somebody's mouth. Bob dashed into a clothing store and bought a green coat. When he arrived at work, he walked into his boss's office wearing a green coat. "Yuck!" said his boss. Bob thought his boss must be like his mother, so he put on his blue coat. "Double Yuck!" responded the boss. His boss got up, walked to the closet, and produced a yellow coat. "We like yellow here," he instructed.

When it was time to go home, Bob replaced the yellow coat with the green and walked through the streets. Just before he got to his house, he put the blue coat over the green and yellow coat and went inside.

Bob learned that life with three coats was hard. He was always hot and his movements restrained. With time, Bob realized he could change the colors of his coats with ease. With practice, he was able to shed one coat and replace it with another in a matter of seconds. Bob was very pleased. Everybody liked Bob because everyone thought he was just like them. Bob was elected mayor and president of his company.

One day, some yellow-coated people stormed into his office.

"We have found a criminal that needs to be executed," they announced, shoving a man toward Bob's desk. Bob was shocked. This man wasn't wearing a coat at all, just a T-shirt.
"Where is your coat?" asked Bob.
"I don't wear one," replied the man.
"You don't have one?"
"I don't want one. It is not their approval I seek."

Bob had never heard such words. He didn't know what to say.

"I am here to show people they don't have to please people. I am here to tell the truth."

"Who are you?" asked Bob.
The man answered simply, "Who are you?"

posted by ehkl. 1:08 AM
H i rYu X 10 27 (12:52:34 AM): haha i like laughing at my own jokes

jordane wan chan = pathetic.

posted by ehkl. 12:58 AM
all the contact cases in the bathroom are occupied = no home for my contact lenses. so using the beautiful creativity that God gave me, I found a new home for my contacts: arrowhead water bottle caps. -_- hah. how ghetto--i mean resourceful i am. (:

posted by ehkl. 12:56 AM
jzzzo (11:41:45 PM): u could be my driver
jzzzo (11:41:49 PM): and i could sleep while u drive
jzzzo (11:41:51 PM): that sounds perfect

hah. (: i'm such an expert driver people are begging me to drive them.

posted by ehkl. 12:37 AM
yttyj (12:14:05 AM): baldwin yelled at me today
yttyj (12:16:02 AM): he told me i treat you wrong.

yeees. go BALDWIN.

posted by ehkl. 12:18 AM
Thursday, July 07, 2005
two things that weelbur always says to me:

imma F U (12:22:19 AM): ure frigigng weird as hell

imma F U (12:33:42 AM): do u think ull ever grow up

hi weelbur fu. you need new lines.

posted by ehkl. 12:42 AM
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
if you see me signed onto facebook, it's all the wretched doing of joseph chung-chieh ko. -_-

posted by ehkl. 11:46 PM
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
eheh. i’m so patriotic. i’m wearing abey’s white basketball shorts and a red top and a blue jacket.

too bad it’s not july fourth anymore. ._. (maybe i'll just save these clothes for next year).

posted by ehkl. 2:42 AM
me, steph and jordane wan chan are pulling all nighters tonight. yees. misery loves company.

i am steph kwan (1:35:28 AM): i thik i'm gonna come downtsiars and join you soon
i am steph kwan (1:35:31 AM): this is lonely up here

H i rYu X 10 27 (1:46:49 AM):
thsi is sad im staying up for this stuff
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:46:55 AM): i dont even stay up to do my own school work

posted by ehkl. 2:09 AM
e is for evange (1:46:35 AM): i like you, leeks.
elikapika26 (1:46:53 AM): hey! that's good because i like u a lot. too.

elikapika26 (1:41:53 AM): i wish we could sit together in alpha and cook again
elikapika26 (1:41:55 AM): like old times
elikapika26 (1:42:15 AM): maybe not on chairs but in the hallway. or somewhere random, like we often found ourselvse

LEEEEEEEEEKS A. CHOI! come back already. i miss you.

posted by ehkl. 1:47 AM
it was independence day. and we had to clean clean clean today just so that when the hordes of people chums came over and made a big mess we had to clean again.

eheheh. just joshing. we had a hip dandified july fourth blast. bbq. flurries and scurring abouts of making delicacies like watermelon kabobs and preparing foods to look charming and pleasing to the eye and remembering to take out the soda from the freezers before they freeze and explode. basketballing. video game matches of super smash brothers inside the house. splendid screeching fireworks. with silly boys dancing in the midst of them. -_- they could've gotten burned and died. gah.

after that, there was a big mess. so we had clean-up time. and g-12 talk. and yes, i'll show you visuals next time for i am a visual person too. *high five*

ASLDKJ. i have to finish compiling my workbook for youth camp. -_- for it is due tomorrow and i will have to sit through a four hour meeting. i hope my rear end will not get too restless. maybe if i ask nicely they will let me stand during the meeting. hah. i'll be the tallest one FOSHO.

it's summer and i still can't run away from deadlines. *sob*

hah. another all-nighter i will pull? i think this is like my fifteenth one this year. gah. my new year's resolution plan has failed again. no, i must keep up the morale: i shall take the pro out of procrastination.

p.s. happy independence day, blog. your freedom is nicely granted. but if you want to stay with me, i understand.

posted by ehkl. 1:31 AM
meet jaeson l. willis, deemed napoleon dynamite (he walks and talks like him).

The Lemon Headd (12:15:32 AM): LOL IF WE ARE TWINS
The Lemon Headd (12:15:34 AM): UR MY MINI ME

The Lemon Headd (12:24:36 AM): I AM GOING DICTIONARY. COM WAIT
The Lemon Headd (12:24:41 AM): WWW.DICTIONARY.COM
The Lemon Headd (12:24:49 AM): TOO LAZY TO MAKE A WEBPAGE UP

The Lemon Headd (12:29:30 AM): I WILL SMUSH U WIT MY LEGS U BUM

e is for evange (12:40:58 AM): go converse with yourself.
The Lemon Headd (12:41:08 AM): I WAS FOR A BIT CUZ U RESPOND SO SLOW




posted by ehkl. 1:11 AM
Monday, July 04, 2005
where there is a will, there is a way.

posted by ehkl. 3:48 AM


n : an acceptance of yourself as you are, warts and all

posted by ehkl. 3:38 AM
sitting side by side on our laptops. at three after in the morning.

i am steph kwan (3:15:30 AM): DO YOU R WORK
i am steph kwan (3:15:32 AM): SO YOU CAN GO TO BED
i am steph kwan (3:15:46 AM): I'M GOIG TO TELL ON YOOUUU

e is for evange (3:15:50 AM):
what a nosy girl you are.
i am steph kwan (3:17:56 AM): iknow
i am steph kwan (3:17:58 AM): i have a nose
i am steph kwan (3:17:58 AM): duh

i am steph kwan (3:37:31 AM): go to bed.
i am steph kwan (3:37:33 AM): i see you.

i am steph kwan (3:41:06 AM): let's go to sleep in
i am steph kwan (3:41:07 AM): minutes
i am steph kwan (3:41:08 AM): deal?

posted by ehkl. 3:36 AM
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:37:13 AM): you have to go to rachels wedding though evange...
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:37:31 AM): i need you as my sidekick
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:37:53 AM): ill feel like a complete loser if you dont go

e is for evange (1:40:04 AM): but i'm flattered that you'll feel like a complete loser if i don't go.
e is for evange (1:40:07 AM): *glee* i make you feel like a winner.
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:40:24 AM): no i just dont want to feel all lonely

AHAHAH. jordane wan chan = loser.


e is for evange (1:42:32 AM): you're such a ..
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:43:13 AM): hot stud =]

HAH. "in your dreams"...what a narcissitic hooligan. -_-

posted by ehkl. 2:18 AM
Thursday, June 30, 2005

especially during mealtimes.
to feed the innerman, you know.

posted by ehkl. 1:06 AM
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
it's spelled frustrating, not frusterating.

posted by ehkl. 3:21 AM
H i rYu X 10 27 (11:50:12 PM): when we get older ..actually when YOU get older..and you're able to do things ..i'll take you away from southern california nad we'll go exploring somewheere else .
e is for evange (11:50:27 PM): i'll hold you to that.
H i rYu X 10 27 (11:50:27 PM): and it'll be a super fun time and it'll make up for all the times that we cant do it now
H i rYu X 10 27 (11:50:33 PM): add it to my list
H i rYu X 10 27 (11:50:37 PM): worship leading at 87

e is for evange (11:50:37 PM): hey..i'm thinking of going far away..
H i rYu X 10 27 (11:51:05 PM): .what do you mean far away
H i rYu X 10 27 (11:54:19 PM): like are you going ot CHEMLA on the east coast?
e is for evange (11:54:26 PM): chemla?
H i rYu X 10 27 (11:54:41 PM): get it bioLA and chemLA hahah
H i rYu X 10 27 (11:54:42 PM): hahahah


posted by ehkl. 12:29 AM
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
darn. it's five thirty-eight am.

my liver didn't get to rest again. ._.

(please buy me a liver when mine expires.)


posted by ehkl. 5:38 AM
hi blog.

i'm sorry i've neglected you.
i've a ton to tell you.
maybe if you're good
and when i have better time management,
i shall tell and recount my green e plus days.
and fill you with stories, pictures and color.
i miss you.

evangeline h. kwan.

p.s. i hope you miss me too.

posted by ehkl. 2:10 AM
hi. i'm a saint.
and so are you.

posted by ehkl. 2:07 AM
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
H i rYu X 10 27 (12:52:30 AM): everyone must love your presence
e is for evange (12:54:09 AM): of course :-)

posted by ehkl. 1:02 AM
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
H i rYu X 10 27 (6:54:29 PM): go
H i rYu X 10 27 (6:54:35 PM): so i dont have to feel like a complete loser

posted by ehkl. 7:02 PM
Monday, June 20, 2005
FOBBIjoe (9:45:42 PM): ....if i was there ..i would try to drown you in a toilet

posted by ehkl. 10:38 PM
Saturday, June 11, 2005

two things that cost us our whole saturday.

1. denny c. liu got graduated from fuller seminary.
2. steph s. kwan got graduated from uc san diego.

congratulations guys! (: you made it.

and we made it too.

posted by ehkl. 11:23 PM
Thursday, June 09, 2005
the davidic chun turns twenty-three today.

happy hip hooray birthday davidic chun.
sorry, i am banned from cerritos.

your favorite homestarrunner.

posted by ehkl. 10:38 PM
Friday, June 03, 2005
show me Your ways, O Lord,
teach me Your paths;
guide me in Your truth and teach me,
for You are God my Savior,
and my hope is in You all day long.

psalm 25:4-5

posted by ehkl. 10:52 AM
Friday, May 06, 2005

i forget to let arnold sleep for a week. and away messaging and being IDLE is fun and hip.

here's steph every night. -_-

monday night.

i am steph kwan (12:50:05 AM): good night
i am steph kwan (12:50:06 AM): please go to bed
i am steph kwan (12:50:08 AM): so we can be twins
i am steph kwan
(12:50:10 AM): please please
i am steph kwan
(12:50:13 AM): that would make my day

i am steph kwan (12:51:15 AM): ARE YOU GOING TO BED??
i am steph kwan (1:10:02 AM): ^_^

Auto response from e is for evange (1:10:02 AM): she was ordered to bed by the big sis.

i am steph kwan (12:34:48 AM): go to bed.

i am steph kwan (1:10:03 AM): godo job

tuesday night.

i am steph kwan (1:17:27 AM): where are you punk.

Auto response from e is for evange (1:17:27 AM): hi. my name is evangeline h. kwan. and i'm a piano nerd. ._.

p.s. come visit me at the music building in room 112 because that's my favorite room. and i shall play you a lovely melody that will even move mountains to tears.

i am steph kwan (1:17:30 AM): come back and go to bed.
i am steph kwan
(1:17:42 AM): stop playing piano or you will have bad dreams of pianos eating you.
i am steph kwan
(1:17:49 AM): giant monster pianos biting your head off.
i am steph kwan (1:17:53 AM): COME HOME!

wednesday night.

i am steph kwan (12:02:29 AM): DUDE.

Auto response from e is for evange (12:02:29 AM): i miss the times when mother goose would sing to us in the video and make school look so fun.

p.s. two plus two equals four. or if you don't comprehend 2+2 =4. (i miss math

i am steph kwan (12:02:30 AM): it is SO late.
i am steph kwan
(12:02:32 AM): WHERE ARE YOU.
i am steph kwan
(12:02:33 AM): COME HOME.
i am steph kwan
i am steph kwan
(12:02:44 AM): HELLO CAN YOU HEAR ME!!
i am steph kwan
(12:02:51 AM): :-( i am so sad you are not home.
i am steph kwan (12:02:56 AM): i should get you a radar
i am steph kwan
(12:03:05 AM): and i can just press it and you will be like *beepbeepbeep* and come home

thursday night.

she gave up. ._.

friday night.

SHE'S COMING HERE TO BIOLA! and taking steph and co. to the famed guppies. hah. she likes me.

and that's my sister: stephanie s. kwan for you.

posted by ehkl. 11:52 AM
H i rYu X 10 27 (10:43:39 AM): now you want to congratulate me
H i rYu X 10 27 (10:43:41 AM): kidna late
H i rYu X 10 27 (11:07:05 AM): -_- ur like the last person to say anyting ot me

Auto response from e is for evange (11:07:05 AM): an A+ congratulations to jordane wan chan for making it into the university of california los angeles! let's have a feast and a fiesta! come!

p.s. jordane wan chan is a ditcher of UCCP (university california of cool people). -_-

H i rYu X 10 27 (11:07:07 AM): im hurt
H i rYu X 10 27 (11:07:14 AM): but thank you anyways...
H i rYu X 10 27
(11:07:18 AM): but still!

what a sulky boy. -_- but i am such a nice good friend so i took him out to eat some food. except at the first restaurant it was busy bee and the waiters ignored us and junebug ran around in his big apron serving korean barbeque (eheh he looked like he was wearing a skirt) and so we left and we got lost on the road (jordane hates my A+ directions).

THEN we get to niko niko sushi.

jordane: why is it called niko sushi? it is because the sushi there costs a nickel?

hah. jordane wan chan is lamer than me.

anyhow, he got even more sullen because we had to wait. we only had to wait twelve minutes and jordane learned that patience is a virtue. and he started to fume when he ended up paying the bill because they don't accept atm cards and i didn't have more than fifteen dollars and twenty-seven cents on me and they didn't take credit cards named discover. (eek.) steam was coming out of jordane wan chan's head. -_-

BUT washington mutual and atm machines to save the day: the machine gave me some money and i paid jordane so in actuality i treated him out. yes, what a good nice friend i am. (:

p.s. congratulations jordane wan chan for making it into ucla. (too bad you didn't make it into biola. and that you got expelled from uccp. so sad.)

posted by ehkl. 1:04 AM
Thursday, May 05, 2005

a is for a ange (6:14:21 PM): look!

Auto response from e is for evange (6:14:21 PM): an A+ congratulations to jordane wan chan for making it into the university of california los angeles! let's have a feast and a fiesta! come!

p.s. jordane wan chan is a ditcher of UCCP (university california of cool people). -_-

a is for a ange (6:14:32 PM)
: go to
a is for a ange
(6:15:27 PM)
: then the news section. on the second to the last bullet, there is coldplay and wilco and all these cool bands
a is for a ange
(6:15:53 PM)
: i can't believe they are on the news

posted by ehkl. 6:42 PM
Monday, May 02, 2005
after two hundred and fifty six to the googleth power days, joseph chung-chieh ko comes into existence.

haha he misses us. and uses words like "hun. "

(10:01:19 PM): i thought you like hated me
(10:01:20 PM): =)
e is for evange
(10:01:53 PM): man
e is for evange
(10:01:58 PM): you were such a messed up kid back then.
<>FOBBIjoe (10:02:25 PM): still messed up
FOBBIjoe (10:02:32 PM): .....i go to a circus school

and he's gotten a little bit more humble.

what a boy.

posted by ehkl. 10:24 PM
H i rYu X 10 27 (12:29:16 AM): :-\ you should inherit super powers like violet so you can make a forcefield and eveyrone would leave you alone......

H i rYu X 10 27 (12:42:23 AM): you're doing a fine job at being yourself
H i rYu X 10 27 (12:42:28 AM): and i like yourself very much
H i rYu X 10 27 (12:42:45 AM): comprendo?

*beam* jordane wan chan is Hip with a capital H.

posted by ehkl. 12:50 AM
Friday, April 29, 2005
i am steph kwan: -_- you stay up too latew

elikapika26: u better be asleep. or else...KRRKKK. that's the sound of me chopping of yo' head.

..can't argue with these girls. @_@ well after all, they love me like a mouse loves cheese.

posted by ehkl. 4:38 AM
Thursday, April 28, 2005
i asked God if He could let it rain today. but He canceled my piano lessons instead. and told the sun and the clouds and my teachers and my schoolmates to be cordial to me. i think God is nice.

posted by ehkl. 4:21 PM
Sunday, April 24, 2005
i'm the candle that the birthday boy forgot to blow out.

posted by ehkl. 4:00 PM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
jordane wan chan is a loser.

H i rYu X 10 27 (1:04:41 AM): do u know the frist hting i do before i brush my teeth is go online
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:04:45 AM): i roll out of bed
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:04:48 AM): adn straight to my comp first
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:04:52 AM): to check if someone left me an msgs
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:05:04 AM): and everyday its BLANK ........................ZEROOO.....ZILTCH!! NOTHING!!
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:05:05 AM): -_-
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:05:09 AM): im such a loser.............

eheheh. and he admits it too.

posted by ehkl. 1:18 AM
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
cisforchristina (11:40:07 PM): I GOT STUDENT OF THE MONTH
cisforchristina (11:40:09 PM): CAN YOU BVELIEVE T THAT
cisforchristina (11:40:12 PM): IM THE WORST STUDENT

cisforchristina (11:47:19 PM): she said im her most outstanding studenty
cisforchristina (11:47:36 PM): and im always on top of everything

posted by ehkl. 11:50 PM
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
sarahwarah (10:23:12 PM): btw your friend's sn is like mine! =) hudsonbuttson, sarahwarah, you should make one...evangebevange

posted by ehkl. 10:34 PM
you are dear to me. and anyone who causes you pain, is an enemy of mine.

posted by ehkl. 4:42 PM
God is bigger than the boogie man.

posted by ehkl. 2:48 AM
Saturday, April 16, 2005
e is for evange (2:08:56 AM): let's be rich one day and buy everything.
elikapika26 (2:09:09 AM): OK!
elikapika26 (2:09:12 AM): dude GREAT IDEA

posted by ehkl. 2:22 AM
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
come one, come all
evangeline h. kwan's dreadfully humble student recital
thursday, april fourteenth two thousand five
at the time of nine-thirty am sharp
in crowell recital hall.

posted by ehkl. 4:32 PM
a letter that i found in my desk from aaron s. fung written two weeks into first semester, dated september second two thousand four.

we were discussing the tragedy of having our last class from four-thirty to five forty-five pm while everyone else was frolicking and done for the day and week. but i told him to to "cheer up, lad" and to find seventeen interesting things in the classroom so he wouldn't "die of boredom" as he believed he would.


OMG! You told me to find 17 interesting things in my class, but OMG! There's nothing on the walls. I swear, there's nothing at all. Well there's a clock and speakers but that's it. It's all just white walls. I guess that's interesting. The prof is a preacher so he teaches us like a preacher. It sounds like a sermon. He's now asking for prayer requests. I'm going to fall asleep if we pray too long. There's this one guy that keeps trying to make witty comments. He thinks he's funny, but he's friggen' annoying. Stupid guy. If I didn't see him here at Biola I'd think he was gay. He looks kinda gay. Ok lecture time, got to pay attention now. Laters. Have a great weekend.

In Him,
Aaron Fung.

hah. that's aaron s. fung for you.

posted by ehkl. 2:23 AM
Saturday, April 02, 2005
You hold me by my right hand.

posted by ehkl. 1:36 PM
Friday, April 01, 2005
The Book of Secrets: Shhh! Don't Tell Anyone.
by Marianna G. Kwan

Chapter One
Dear Evange,
I didn't find out that you wrote in my notebook.

Chapter Two
I found only today that you wrote in my notebook!

Chapter Three
A! did you know that I fell on my knee on the sement?
I was playing tag and then tripped!
I got a bleeding knee and got broosed today at church.

Chapter Four
I got broosed also because for icebreaker we played
soccer and someone hit the ball on my knee and
I got hurt and got a broose.

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

(i love you maribe. (: xoxo.)

posted by ehkl. 11:16 PM
whom have I in heaven but You?
And earth has nothing I desire besides You.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.

posted by ehkl. 2:35 PM
Thursday, March 31, 2005
When I tried to understand all this,
it was oppressive to me
till I entered the sanctuary of God;
then I understood their final destiny.

posted by ehkl. 1:31 AM
Sunday, March 27, 2005
cisforchristina (6:36:09 PM): hi poop
cisforchristina (6:36:16 PM): im so proud of you
cisforchristina (6:36:17 PM): the end

posted by ehkl. 6:41 PM

DMKalltheway (6:05:30 PM): killl killl killl those are the kind of guys u need pepper spray for

posted by ehkl. 6:16 AM
Friday, March 18, 2005
DMKalltheway (3:20:56 AM): want me to beat him up for u?
e is for evange (3:22:59 AM): aww you're such a dear.
e is for evange
(3:23:01 AM): hahaha
(3:23:09 AM): haha u havent answered yet
e is for evange
(3:23:11 AM): the question is: can you even beat him up.
(3:23:12 AM): im getting its a yes
e is for evange
(3:23:16 AM): hahahahahahah
e is for evange
(3:23:18 AM): okay
(3:23:18 AM): dude
e is for evange
(3:23:18 AM): yes
e is for evange
(3:23:21 AM): go beat him up.
(3:23:23 AM): u just dont know my power
(3:23:28 AM): haha
(3:23:29 AM): aite
e is for evange
(3:23:34 AM): i'll stand at the sidelines and watch. and cheer.
(3:23:35 AM): tell him to come to hope 217

-_- and that's davey m. kim for you.

posted by ehkl. 3:33 AM
Friday, March 04, 2005
psalm 31:19-24

19 How great is Your goodness
that You have stored up for those who fear You,
and accomplished in the sight of everyone
for those who take refuge in You.
20 You hide them in the protection of Your presence;
You conceal them in a shelter
from the schemes of men,
from quarrelsome tongues.
21 May the Lord be praised,
for He has wonderfully shown His faithful
love to me in a city under siege.
22 In my alarm I had said,
"I am cut off from Your sight."
But You heard the sound of my pleading
when I cried to You for help.
23 Love the Lord, all His faithful ones.
The Lord protects the loyal,
but fully repays the arrogant.
24 Be strong and courageous,
all you who put your hope in the Lord.

posted by ehkl. 10:38 PM

day one.

psalm 28:7 the Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song.

posted by ehkl. 8:46 PM
hi God. (: here's my heart: <3 please color it.

posted by ehkl. 8:19 PM
what the blind man did: many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"

posted by ehkl. 8:01 PM
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
H i rYu X 10 27 (7:44:00 PM): i know this will sound very random ...but thanks for being such a super friend and for standing by my side , it means alot to me ..

*blush* i know. heh. jordane wan chan finally admits what an a plus chum i am. *BEAM*

posted by ehkl. 7:46 PM
Monday, February 28, 2005

cisforchristina (10:59:59 PM): hi evangelineeeee
cisforchristina (11:00:01 PM): i love you
(11:00:04 PM): i miss you
(11:00:07 PM): dont be stressed
(11:00:16 PM): or you'll get warts and pimples
(11:00:22 PM): and thats ugly
(11:00:29 PM): sleep at least 8 hrs
(11:00:34 PM): then youll be beautiful
(11:01:02 PM): take beauty sleeping tips form your beautiful sis


this is what happens when you go online, christina x. kwan--who used to proudly tell us that she would never go online. (tehehe. she suffers now.)

cisforchristina (11:02:40 PM): im stresse
(11:02:43 PM): iahve so much hw
(11:02:58 PM): this is the first time this year im stressed
(11:03:02 PM): icant believe this
(11:03:07 PM): im going insane
(11:03:10 PM): i need hlep
(11:03:16 PM): imean mental insae
(11:03:23 PM): like psycho

cisforchristina (11:57:02 PM): im dying
cisforchristina (11:57:04 PM): im itred
(11:57:12 PM): i feel a pimple growing all over ,my face!

cisforchristina (12:11:02 AM): i ahve alot of hw
cisforchristina (12:11:04 AM): im dying
cisforchristina (12:14:59 AM): im just gonna go
cisforchristina (12:15:01 AM): i have so much hw
(12:15:05 AM): and im wasting my time
(12:15:09 AM): i get so distracted
(12:15:12 AM): i ahte online
(12:15:17 AM): iot s asin
(12:15:21 AM): it a sin
(12:15:25 AM): it should be banned
(12:15:29 AM): bye ilove you

posted by ehkl. 12:19 AM
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
meet my other sister, christina x. kwan.

cisforchristina: hello my loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
cisforchristina: talk to me
cisforchristina: im bored
cisforchristina: how was your day
cisforchristina: did you go ladedah bc its raining
cisforchristina: i hate rain
cisforchristina: guess waht im wearing to sadies
cisforchristina: mmmmmmmm
cisforchristina: i'll just tell you cuz youre ignoring me
cisforchristina: and not answering me
cisforchristina: evangeline
cisforchristina: evangeline c.kwan
cisforchristina: remember e bomb?!
cisforchristina: ahahaha

posted by ehkl. 6:52 PM
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
e is for evange (8:38:43 PM): you know i kept bumping into people today at school.
a is for a ange
(8:38:44 PM): why?
a is for a ange
(8:39:00 PM): oh, well, that really sucks
a is for a ange
(8:39:16 PM): hey, you can be like peter parker
a is for a ange
(8:39:29 PM): he kept on bumping at people at college

posted by ehkl. 8:56 PM
Friday, February 11, 2005
offbeat sneezes: bless me.

but excuse me, they sound like coughs.

posted by ehkl. 6:14 PM
Thursday, February 10, 2005
e is for evange (3:06:02 AM): AND WE WILL ALL FLOAT ON OKAY
elikapika26 (3:09:33 AM): and we'll all float on anywayyyyyyy

posted by ehkl. 3:14 AM
in her dream, the bad guy wanted to unpiece us. @_@

p.s. we were legos.

posted by ehkl. 2:38 AM
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
he told me that it's okay if i couldn't describe myself in three words.

posted by ehkl. 11:15 PM
Friday, January 28, 2005
this is what the loser jordane wan chan does when he camps out at my house until two in the morning.

Dear evangeline

What are you doing , did I ever tell you that you are the worlds greatest house hostess…NOT!!! -_- you suck…you disgust me, I hate your guts, you make me want to vomit and you are the scum between my toes and armpit.. : ) what are you doing now..i already asked you that didn’t I just like 3 lines up ago didn’t I , I have to urinate………have a nice day….

basically, evangeline h. kwan got sick of jordane wan chan. -_-

posted by ehkl. 2:40 AM
Thursday, January 27, 2005
yay. another away message for evange h. kwan.

Auto response from H i rYu X 10 27 (2:26:02 AM): sleep.goodniteevange.

posted by ehkl. 2:20 AM
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
to my fellow stunted twins: there's hope. (:

evangeline h. kwan.


HAHA I found that ad and I thought of you and ME too hehe and abraham and wendy I hear want to grow taller too. =D maybe we should all try this huh? haha


posted by ehkl. 11:14 PM
Sunday, January 16, 2005
happy hip thirteenth birthday to my super favoritest brother in the orb: abraham j. kwan.

p.s. i know thirteen means that you're a grown up now, but can i still call you baby?

posted by ehkl. 5:49 PM
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
our professor told the boys in our class today to purchase stationary to write love letters to their sweethearts. it's a lost cause of art.

posted by ehkl. 1:30 AM
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
my sister, stephanie s. kwan:

she held my hand even when i was fast asleep.

posted by ehkl. 12:42 AM
