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Tuesday, July 05, 2005
it was independence day. and we had to clean clean clean today just so that when the hordes of people chums came over and made a big mess we had to clean again.
eheheh. just joshing. we had a hip dandified july fourth blast. bbq. flurries and scurring abouts of making delicacies like watermelon kabobs and preparing foods to look charming and pleasing to the eye and remembering to take out the soda from the freezers before they freeze and explode. basketballing. video game matches of super smash brothers inside the house. splendid screeching fireworks. with silly boys dancing in the midst of them. -_- they could've gotten burned and died. gah.
after that, there was a big mess. so we had clean-up time. and g-12 talk. and yes, i'll show you visuals next time for i am a visual person too. *high five*
ASLDKJ. i have to finish compiling my workbook for youth camp. -_- for it is due tomorrow and i will have to sit through a four hour meeting. i hope my rear end will not get too restless. maybe if i ask nicely they will let me stand during the meeting. hah. i'll be the tallest one FOSHO.
it's summer and i still can't run away from deadlines. *sob*
hah. another all-nighter i will pull? i think this is like my fifteenth one this year. gah. my new year's resolution plan has failed again. no, i must keep up the morale: i shall take the pro out of procrastination.
p.s. happy independence day, blog. your freedom is nicely granted. but if you want to stay with me, i understand.
posted by ehkl. 1:31 AM