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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
a letter that i found in my desk from aaron s. fung written two weeks into first semester, dated september second two thousand four.
we were discussing the tragedy of having our last class from four-thirty to five forty-five pm while everyone else was frolicking and done for the day and week. but i told him to to "cheer up, lad" and to find seventeen interesting things in the classroom so he wouldn't "die of boredom" as he believed he would.
Evange, OMG! You told me to find 17 interesting things in my class, but OMG! There's nothing on the walls. I swear, there's nothing at all. Well there's a clock and speakers but that's it. It's all just white walls. I guess that's interesting. The prof is a preacher so he teaches us like a preacher. It sounds like a sermon. He's now asking for prayer requests. I'm going to fall asleep if we pray too long. There's this one guy that keeps trying to make witty comments. He thinks he's funny, but he's friggen' annoying. Stupid guy. If I didn't see him here at Biola I'd think he was gay. He looks kinda gay. Ok lecture time, got to pay attention now. Laters. Have a great weekend. In Him, Aaron Fung. hah. that's aaron s. fung for you.
posted by ehkl. 2:23 AM