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Friday, April 29, 2005
i am steph kwan: -_- you stay up too latew

elikapika26: u better be asleep. or else...KRRKKK. that's the sound of me chopping of yo' head.

..can't argue with these girls. @_@ well after all, they love me like a mouse loves cheese.

posted by ehkl. 4:38 AM
Thursday, April 28, 2005
i asked God if He could let it rain today. but He canceled my piano lessons instead. and told the sun and the clouds and my teachers and my schoolmates to be cordial to me. i think God is nice.

posted by ehkl. 4:21 PM
Sunday, April 24, 2005
i'm the candle that the birthday boy forgot to blow out.

posted by ehkl. 4:00 PM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
jordane wan chan is a loser.

H i rYu X 10 27 (1:04:41 AM): do u know the frist hting i do before i brush my teeth is go online
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:04:45 AM): i roll out of bed
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:04:48 AM): adn straight to my comp first
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:04:52 AM): to check if someone left me an msgs
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:05:04 AM): and everyday its BLANK ........................ZEROOO.....ZILTCH!! NOTHING!!
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:05:05 AM): -_-
H i rYu X 10 27 (1:05:09 AM): im such a loser.............

eheheh. and he admits it too.

posted by ehkl. 1:18 AM
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
cisforchristina (11:40:07 PM): I GOT STUDENT OF THE MONTH
cisforchristina (11:40:09 PM): CAN YOU BVELIEVE T THAT
cisforchristina (11:40:12 PM): IM THE WORST STUDENT

cisforchristina (11:47:19 PM): she said im her most outstanding studenty
cisforchristina (11:47:36 PM): and im always on top of everything

posted by ehkl. 11:50 PM
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
sarahwarah (10:23:12 PM): btw your friend's sn is like mine! =) hudsonbuttson, sarahwarah, you should make one...evangebevange

posted by ehkl. 10:34 PM
you are dear to me. and anyone who causes you pain, is an enemy of mine.

posted by ehkl. 4:42 PM
God is bigger than the boogie man.

posted by ehkl. 2:48 AM
Saturday, April 16, 2005
e is for evange (2:08:56 AM): let's be rich one day and buy everything.
elikapika26 (2:09:09 AM): OK!
elikapika26 (2:09:12 AM): dude GREAT IDEA

posted by ehkl. 2:22 AM
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
come one, come all
evangeline h. kwan's dreadfully humble student recital
thursday, april fourteenth two thousand five
at the time of nine-thirty am sharp
in crowell recital hall.

posted by ehkl. 4:32 PM
a letter that i found in my desk from aaron s. fung written two weeks into first semester, dated september second two thousand four.

we were discussing the tragedy of having our last class from four-thirty to five forty-five pm while everyone else was frolicking and done for the day and week. but i told him to to "cheer up, lad" and to find seventeen interesting things in the classroom so he wouldn't "die of boredom" as he believed he would.


OMG! You told me to find 17 interesting things in my class, but OMG! There's nothing on the walls. I swear, there's nothing at all. Well there's a clock and speakers but that's it. It's all just white walls. I guess that's interesting. The prof is a preacher so he teaches us like a preacher. It sounds like a sermon. He's now asking for prayer requests. I'm going to fall asleep if we pray too long. There's this one guy that keeps trying to make witty comments. He thinks he's funny, but he's friggen' annoying. Stupid guy. If I didn't see him here at Biola I'd think he was gay. He looks kinda gay. Ok lecture time, got to pay attention now. Laters. Have a great weekend.

In Him,
Aaron Fung.

hah. that's aaron s. fung for you.

posted by ehkl. 2:23 AM
Saturday, April 02, 2005
You hold me by my right hand.

posted by ehkl. 1:36 PM
Friday, April 01, 2005
The Book of Secrets: Shhh! Don't Tell Anyone.
by Marianna G. Kwan

Chapter One
Dear Evange,
I didn't find out that you wrote in my notebook.

Chapter Two
I found only today that you wrote in my notebook!

Chapter Three
A! did you know that I fell on my knee on the sement?
I was playing tag and then tripped!
I got a bleeding knee and got broosed today at church.

Chapter Four
I got broosed also because for icebreaker we played
soccer and someone hit the ball on my knee and
I got hurt and got a broose.

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

(i love you maribe. (: xoxo.)

posted by ehkl. 11:16 PM
whom have I in heaven but You?
And earth has nothing I desire besides You.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.

posted by ehkl. 2:35 PM
