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Friday, October 28, 2005
Remember Evangeline, you aren’t stupid; if you were stupid, I must be super retarded.

posted by ehkl. 5:26 AM
Thursday, October 27, 2005

happy twentieth birthday jordane wan chan. *pupu*

posted by ehkl. 2:28 AM
Friday, October 14, 2005
It's so strange reading and studying about Jersalem, Israel and knowing that my father, denny c. liu and company are there--the place where David sang, where Peter cried, where Jesus walked.

a;sdlkj. i miss you dadther. ._. hurry and come back.

p.s. don't forget to bless me on Mount Zion and say hi to the rock that Jesus sat on.

posted by ehkl. 5:23 PM
(beware of the leeks a. choi. she thinks she's all that because she's attending the GODBLOG convention. and she threatened to seek you out, blog! gah. @_@)

p.s. hi leeks.

posted by ehkl. 5:12 PM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
my teacher gave me a dollar today because i'm the best scooper. (:

heh. i feel RICH.

posted by ehkl. 5:21 PM
